HOCOMOCOv9 threshold files description All thresholds files for HOCOMOCOv9 contain following columns: thresh P-value %words %seq Nwords Nseq total_words total_seq Detailed description: thresh - a threshold for PWM score P-value - corresponding P-value (the fraction of words scoring no less than the threshold) %words - the percentage of words (from the total list of aligned words used to construct the matrix) scoring no less than the threshold %seq - the percentage of sequences (in the initial training set) having PWM hits scoring no less than the threshold Nwords - the number of words (from the total list of aligned words used to construct the matrix) scoring no less than the threshold Nseq - the number of sequences (in the initial training set) having PWM hits scoring no less than the threshold total_words - the size of the total list of aligned words used to construct PWM total_seq - the size of the total list of sequences used for motif discovery When comparining numbers in total_seq and total_words: NOTE! Some sequences can raise more than 1 word (or no words at all) to be included into the alignment. NOTE! Some sequences can be too short to be included into the motifs. When compairing Nwords and Nseq: NOTE! After PWM renormalization (either to uniform or hg19 background) some sequences can have better PWM hits than the words initially included into the motifs. So it is OK when Nseq != Nwords or Nseq > Nwords or Nseq < Nwords.